The tale of Ben and Winifred Nicholson’s artistic collaboration unfolds through their artworks, encapsulated in our latest publication, Art and Life: Ben Nicholson and Winifred Nicholson. Their partnership commenced prior to their marriage in Tippacott, Devon, where they sketched side by side, continuing to share ideas throughout their lifetimes. Frequently portraying the same subjects, one emphasizing color while the other focused on form, they maintained a creative dialogue. Reflecting on their early 1920s endeavors, Ben Nicholson remarked, “Our experiments were fast and furious, and I found it inspiring to work with her.”
An expansive international exhibition featuring the works of two of the United Kingdom’s most significant 20th-century artists premiered at Leeds Art Gallery on October 18, running until January 12, 2014, before embarking on a tour to Kettle’s Yard and Dulwich Picture Gallery.
Below, we’ve curated a small selection of their artworks alongside an excerpt from the book, all crafted for your enjoyment.
The top image shows Ben and Winifred Nicholson, Westmorland, the early 1920s, Tate Archive.
Similarly: Sea with Red Sun